T'riffic Transistors

The Roberts R600 is a transistor radio that was produced between 1968 and 1973 (making it a little newer than my car, but right in that late 60s/early 70s period I'm going for). I think mine's a later model, though I couldn't find out how to accurately date it. The R600 could be tuned to FM, MW or LW. Perfect for tuning into your favourite pirate stations.

There was a turntable base, which according to one for sale listing is "to aid LW and MW reception", and is missing from mine. I also learned from a sales listing that one of the sockets on top is for a car aerial, which is neat as I want to use it in the car. Though I probably won't be using the aerial socket for an aerial. Turns out some of them have a power input on the back, which would be helpful for what I have in mind. But mine's battery only.

I bought the required PP9 battery from a local electricals store but had no luck. In fact, the battery terminal itself seems to be broken, and one of the wires has detached from the back of the speaker. At some point I think I will try repairing these issues, and I'm thinking of making a clear housing to show off the retro electricals. But that's a project for another day. All I really want is something I can plug my phone or trusty iPod classic into though, so the plan is to just use the casing and replace all the internals with new bits designed for that purpose.