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So, about this website. It's built using Neocities - a free (or $5/month if you want some extras) simple html-based website builder that aims to invoke something of the old Geocities days. I'd recommend giving it a go, I've built this with the limited html knowledge I've gained from mucking about with this sort of thing over the years and sites like W3 Schools are a great help. Check out some of the things people have made with Neocities here. The design of the home and menu pages, as well as the page you are currently reading, is inspired by Ceefax, the BBC's Teletext service that ran from 1974-2012. If you're interested in reading more about Ceefax have a gander at the pages on the subject on the Teletext Museum website and while you're about it check out Nathan Dane's interactive recreation or the less interactive Pages From Ceefax. I figured that would get a bit tiresome to read for long passages though, which is why I've decided to give the various sections each their own, hopefully more... ergonomic "look" (many based on the same template - both for consitency and my own convenience!) inspired by the look of something to do with the subject - e.g. the Morris Minor pages have a colour scheme and typeface choices based on one of the manuals I have for the car (from which the background images are scanned). My thanks to A NOTE ON MOBILE DEVICESI am aware that the website does not currently display well on mobile devices. I will be looking into this. Try choosing the "Desktop site" or equivalent in your mobile device's browser. I seem to have got it to look OK on my phone that way but without choosing that it's still a bit all over the place, I'll continue to tweak things on that front. |